Webinar ENG 1

How does Lula.Cleaning impro­ve
cle­aning management?

Regi­ster today and you’ll rece­ive as a gift

„List of tools for automating

short-term ren­tals” free of charge!

Jak Lula.Cleaning usprawnia zarządzanie sprzątaniem?
Thurs­day 19:00

26.04.2022 Tues­day 12:00

If you run an apart­ment mana­ge­ment company,

a com­pa­ny that cle­ans apart­ments, offi­ces or apartments

or you are sim­ply an indi­vi­du­al landlord,

this webi­nar is for you!

Thurs­day 19:00

If you run an apart­ment mana­ge­ment company,

a com­pa­ny that cle­ans apart­ments, offi­ces or apartments

or you are sim­ply an indi­vi­du­al landlord,

this webi­nar is for you!

During the webi­nar you will learn:

webinar 1

How to display in one view all reservations

regar­dless of the rese­rva­tion system?

webinar 1

How to display in one viev all reservations

regar­dless of the rese­rva­tion system?

webinar 2

How to imple­ment savings 

of up to tens of hours per month

webinar 2

How to imle­ment savings

of up to tens of hours per month?

webinar 3

How to save seve­ral tho­usand euros 

on servi­ce costs

webinar 3

How to save seve­ral tho­usands euros

on servi­ce costs?

webinar 4

How to assign with one click

tasks to cleaners

webinar 4

How to assign with one click

tasks to cleaners?

webinar 5

How to conve­nien­tly set­tle acco­unts with

employ­ees and con­trac­tors thanks to reports

webinar 5

How to conve­nien­tly set­tle acco­unts with

employ­ees and con­trac­tors thanks to reports?

webinar 6

How to moni­tor defects

and the­ir repairs?

webinar 6

How to moni­tor defects and the­ir repairs?

webinar 7

How to stay up to date with the progress

of the cle­aning work?

webinar 7

How to sty up to the date with the progress

of the cle­aning work?


For each par­ti­ci­pant of the webi­nar are witing
attrac­ti­ve bonuses!


All par­ti­ci­pants of the webi­nar
will also be able to test

Lula.Cleaning Pro version 

for one month for free!

Na każ­de­go uczest­ni­ka webi­na­ru czekają
atrak­cyj­ne bonusy!

Wszy­scy uczęst­ni­cy webinaru
rów­nież będą mogli przetestować
Lula.Cleaning w wer­sji Pro
przez mie­siąc za darmo!

The webi­nar will be hosted by
Michal Bory­chow­ski – an expert in the short-term ren­tal indu­stry
short-term ren­tals sin­ce 2009.

Michał Borychowski
  • Foun­der of the lar­gest Polish Face­bo­ok discus­sion gro­up on the topic of tourism and ren­ting by the day
  • Orga­ni­zer of perio­dic „Short Con­fe­ren­ces” – networ­king events for hosts and entre­pre­neurs in the industry
  • Advi­sor in the short-term and long-term area
  • Has 20 years of expe­rien­ce in IT
  • Foun­der of Lula.Cleaning doświad­cze­nie w IT.
Michał Borychowski
  • Foun­der of the lar­gest Polish Face­bo­ok discus­sion gro­up on the topic of tourism and ren­ting by the day
  • Orga­ni­zer of perio­dic „Short Con­fe­ren­ces” – networ­king events for hosts and entre­pre­neurs in the industry
  • Advi­sor in the short-term and long-term area
  • Has 20 years of expe­rien­ce in IT
  • Foun­der of Lula.Cleaning doświad­cze­nie w IT.

Regi­ster for the webinar!

Webinar ENG 1

How does Lula.Cleaning impro­ve
cle­aning management?

Regi­ster today and you’ll rece­ive as a gift

„List of tools for automating

short-term ren­tals” free of charge!

Jak Lula.Cleaning usprawnia zarządzanie sprzątaniem?
Thurs­day 19:00

26.04.2022 Tues­day 12:00

If you run an apart­ment mana­ge­ment company,

a com­pa­ny that cle­ans apart­ments, offi­ces or apartments

or you are sim­ply an indi­vi­du­al landlord,

this webi­nar is for you!

Thurs­day 19:00

If you run an apart­ment mana­ge­ment company,

a com­pa­ny that cle­ans apart­ments, offi­ces or apartments

or you are sim­ply an indi­vi­du­al landlord,

this webi­nar is for you!

During the webi­nar you will learn:

webinar 1

How to display in one view all reservations

regar­dless of the rese­rva­tion system?

webinar 1

How to display in one viev all reservations

regar­dless of the rese­rva­tion system?

webinar 2

How to imple­ment savings 

of up to tens of hours per month

webinar 2

How to imle­ment savings

of up to tens of hours per month?

webinar 3

How to save seve­ral tho­usand euros 

on servi­ce costs

webinar 3

How to save seve­ral tho­usands euros

on servi­ce costs?

webinar 4

How to assign with one click

tasks to cleaners

webinar 4

How to assign with one click

tasks to cleaners?

webinar 5

How to conve­nien­tly set­tle acco­unts with

employ­ees and con­trac­tors thanks to reports

webinar 5

How to conve­nien­tly set­tle acco­unts with

employ­ees and con­trac­tors thanks to reports?

webinar 6

How to moni­tor defects

and the­ir repairs?

webinar 6

How to moni­tor defects and the­ir repairs?

webinar 7

How to stay up to date with the progress

of the cle­aning work?

webinar 7

How to sty up to the date with the progress

of the cle­aning work?


For each par­ti­ci­pant of the webi­nar are witing
attrac­ti­ve bonuses!


All par­ti­ci­pants of the webi­nar
will also be able to test

Lula.Cleaning Pro version 

for one month for free!

Na każ­de­go uczest­ni­ka webi­na­ru czekają
atrak­cyj­ne bonusy!

Wszy­scy uczęst­ni­cy webinaru
rów­nież będą mogli przetestować
Lula.Cleaning w wer­sji Pro
przez mie­siąc za darmo!

The webi­nar will be hosted by
Michal Bory­chow­ski – an expert in the short-term ren­tal indu­stry
short-term ren­tals sin­ce 2009.

Michał Borychowski
  • Foun­der of the lar­gest Polish Face­bo­ok discus­sion gro­up on the topic of tourism and ren­ting by the day
  • Orga­ni­zer of perio­dic „Short Con­fe­ren­ces” – networ­king events for hosts and entre­pre­neurs in the industry
  • Advi­sor in the short-term and long-term area
  • Has 20 years of expe­rien­ce in IT
  • Foun­der of Lula.Cleaning doświad­cze­nie w IT.
Michał Borychowski
  • Foun­der of the lar­gest Polish Face­bo­ok discus­sion gro­up on the topic of tourism and ren­ting by the day
  • Orga­ni­zer of perio­dic „Short Con­fe­ren­ces” – networ­king events for hosts and entre­pre­neurs in the industry
  • Advi­sor in the short-term and long-term area
  • Has 20 years of expe­rien­ce in IT
  • Foun­der of Lula.Cleaning doświad­cze­nie w IT.

Regi­ster for the webinar!

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