Lula.Cleaning – logo dwukolorowe na jasne tło – kwadrat(1)

Pri­va­cy policy


If you have come here, you value your pri­va­cy. We under­stand it, and we hand over to you a docu­ment with the rules for the pro­ces­sing data, use of cookies, and other trac­king tech­no­lo­gies pre­sent on our websi­te

The websi­te admi­ni­stra­tor is Lula Solu­tions Sp. z o.o. KRS: 0000977968 NIP: 701−109−35−98, ul. Hoża 29/31,
00 – 521 War­saw, Poland.

If you have any doubts rela­ted to the pri­va­cy poli­cy, you can con­tact us at [email protected].

# 1: Who is the admi­ni­stra­tor of your data?
The admi­ni­stra­tor of your data is Lula Solu­tions Sp. z o.o. KRS: 0000977968 NIP: 701−109−35−98, ul. Hoża 29/31,
00 – 521 War­saw, Poland.

# 2: Whom can you con­tact abo­ut the pro­ces­sing of your data?
As part of the imple­men­ta­tion of data pro­tec­tion in our orga­ni­za­tion, we have deci­ded not to appo­int a per­so­nal data pro­tec­tion offi­cer, sin­ce, in our situ­ation, it is not man­da­to­ry. In mat­ters rela­ted to the pro­tec­tion of data and pri­va­cy, you can con­tact us at [email protected].

# 3: What infor­ma­tion do we have abo­ut you?
Depen­ding on the pur­po­se, we may pro­cess the fol­lo­wing infor­ma­tion abo­ut you:

We pre­ci­se­ly descri­be the sco­pe of pro­ces­sed data. It con­ta­ins each pur­po­se of the pro­ces­sing. More infor­ma­tion is pro­vi­ded, in the fur­ther part, of this policy.

# 4: How do we rece­ive your data?
You trans­mit it to us. This hap­pens when:

Some infor­ma­tion abo­ut you might be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly col­lec­ted, by the tools we use:

# 5: Is your data secure?
The secu­ri­ty of your data is impor­tant to us. We have ana­ly­zed the risks asso­cia­ted with the vario­us acti­vi­ties con­nec­ted with the pro­ces­sing of your data. We take the neces­sa­ry steps to pro­tect your data. We regu­lar­ly moni­tor the sta­te of our tech­ni­cal infra­struc­tu­re. We tra­in our employ­ees. Besi­des, we ana­ly­ze our pro­ce­du­res, and we intro­du­ce the neces­sa­ry impro­ve­ments. Con­tact us at [email protected] if you have any questions abo­ut your data.

# 6: For what pur­po­ses do we pro­cess your data?
The­re is more than just one pur­po­se. Below, the­re is a list of them, fol­lo­wed by a more deta­iled descrip­tion. We have also assi­gned a spe­ci­fic legal basis in con­si­de­ra­tion of the abo­ve purposes:

User acco­unt
To cre­ate a user acco­unt, you must pro­vi­de the neces­sa­ry data, like an ema­il address and pas­sword. Pro­vi­ding data is volun­ta­ry but neces­sa­ry to set up an account.

You can pro­vi­de fur­ther data such as name and sur­na­me, address of resi­den­ce, or pla­ce of busi­ness, tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber, tele­pho­ne num­ber. You can also set your ava­tar. We use this data when you make an order.

If you set up an acco­unt thro­ugh inte­gra­tion with an acco­unt on a social network based on your prior autho­ri­za­tion, we will gain access to spe­ci­fic data col­lec­ted as part of the social network acco­unt such as name, ema­il address, pro­fi­le picture.

Besi­des, our sys­tem for mana­ging acco­unts saves your IP num­ber when you regi­ster a user account.

We inte­gra­te Google Ana­ly­tics tool with the user acco­unt mecha­nism. In this way, the data col­lec­ted by Google Ana­ly­ti­c’s trac­king code abo­ut your acti­vi­ty on our site is assi­gned to your user acco­unt. The col­lec­ted data such as

We ana­ly­ze such infor­ma­tion abo­ut you, to opti­mi­ze our websi­tes in terms of user expe­rien­ce, effi­cien­cy, and conver­sion, which is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest refer­red to in artic­le 6, clau­ses 1, let­ter f, GDPR. You can modi­fy your data, after the regi­stra­tion of your acco­unt. Howe­ver, if you cre­ate an acco­unt, using inte­gra­tion with the social network, the data down­lo­aded from this social network can­not be modi­fied. The data pro­vi­ded by you to cre­ate the acco­unt is pro­ces­sed so you can use your account.

This servi­ce pro­vi­ded by a con­tract conc­lu­ded on the terms descri­bed in the regu­la­tions based on artic­le 6, clau­ses 1, let­ter b, GDPR. The data will rema­in on our websi­te for the dura­tion of the use­r’s acco­unt. You can deci­de to dele­te your acco­unt at any time, but this will not dele­te infor­ma­tion abo­ut orders you made and sto­red in our data­ba­se. Orde­r’s data in our archi­ves will rema­in the­re until the expi­ry of the limi­ta­tion period for con­trac­tu­al cla­ims, or the enti­re dura­tion of the websi­te, due to the possi­bi­li­ty of iden­ti­fy­ing the retur­ning custo­mer, recre­ating pur­cha­sing histo­ry, disco­unts, etc. This is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest based on artic­le 6, clau­se 1, let­ter f, GDPR.

To make an order, you sho­uld pro­vi­de data neces­sa­ry to com­ple­te your order. Depen­ding on the order deta­ils, the data cata­lo­gue may be dif­fe­rent. For exam­ple, if you order phy­si­cal pro­ducts, we must know the address to deli­ver it to you. If you ask for a VAT invo­ice for a com­pa­ny, we must know the tax iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber and busi­ness address. Pro­vi­ding data is volun­ta­ry, but neces­sa­ry to make an order. Besi­des, our sys­tem used to pro­cess the order pro­cess records the IP num­ber that you used when pla­cing the order. We save each order in our data­ba­se. It means that your data is con­nec­ted with the order, and con­ta­ins orde­r’s infor­ma­tion, such as orde­red pro­ducts, method of pay­ment, method of deli­ve­ry, date of payment.

Com­pla­ints and with­dra­wal from the contract
You pro­vi­de data con­ta­ined in the com­pla­int or with­dra­wal from the con­tract. It inc­lu­des your name, address, tele­pho­ne num­ber, e‑mail, and bank acco­unt num­ber. Pro­vi­ding data is volun­ta­ry, but neces­sa­ry to make a com­pla­int, or with­draw from the con­tract. The data pro­vi­ded to us, con­cer­ning the sub­mis­sion of a com­pla­int, or with­dra­wal from the con­tract, car­ry out the com­pla­int, and with­dra­wal pro­ce­du­re. We keep it for archi­val pur­po­ses, and it is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest based on artic­le 6, para­graph 1, let­ter f, GDPR. We pro­cess the data for the time neces­sa­ry to com­ple­te the com­pla­int or with­dra­wal pro­ce­du­re. We keep the com­pla­int and docu­ments until the expi­ry of the war­ran­ty period. Sta­te­ments of with­dra­wal from the con­tract will be kept toge­ther with the acco­un­ting docu­men­ta­tion for the period requ­ired by law.

You pro­vi­de your name and ema­il address when you sub­scri­be to the new­slet­ter. Pro­vi­ding data is volun­ta­ry, but neces­sa­ry, to sub­scri­be to the newsletter.

Besi­des, our sys­tem sup­por­ting the new­slet­ter records your IP num­ber, deter­mi­nes your appro­xi­ma­te loca­tion, your e‑mail, and tracks your actions taken after you rece­ive a new­slet­ter from us. You pro­vi­de data when you sub­scri­be to the new­slet­ter. It is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest based on artic­le 6, para­graph 1, let­ter, f GDPR to pro­cess infor­ma­tion that does not come from you, but it is col­lec­ted auto­ma­ti­cal­ly by our mailing sys­tem. It helps to ana­ly­ze the beha­vio­ur of the new­slet­ter sub­scri­bers to opti­mi­ze mailing acti­vi­ties. You can unsub­scri­be from the new­slet­ter, at any time, by clic­king on the dedi­ca­ted link sent in the new­slet­ter, or sim­ply by con­tac­ting us. Despi­te unsub­scri­bing to the new­slet­ter, your data still will be sto­red in our data­ba­se. It will help to iden­ti­fy the retur­ning sub­scri­ber. Besi­des, we keep it, to pro­tect the possi­ble defen­ce of cla­ims rela­ted to the new­slet­ter. In par­ti­cu­lar, to demon­stra­te the fact that you con­sen­ted to rece­ive the new­slet­ter and you accep­ted the date of its with­dra­wal. It is our legal­ly legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest refer­red to artic­le 6, clau­se 1, let­ter f, GDPR. You can modi­fy your data, at any time, by clic­king the link visi­ble in eve­ry mes­sa­ge sent as part of the new­slet­ter, or sim­ply by con­tac­ting us.

Com­ments and pro­duc­t’s opinions
If you add a com­ment or pro­duct review, you must pro­vi­de at least the user­na­me assi­gned to the com­ment or review. The user­na­me may con­ta­in data, such as name or sur­na­me, and ema­il. Pro­vi­ding this data is volun­ta­ry, but neces­sa­ry to add a com­ment or opi­nion. You can also add your ava­tar. It may con­ta­in your ima­ge. You can also pro­vi­de the address of your websi­te, but it is not mandatory.

The data pro­vi­ded when you wri­te a com­ment or opi­nion will be pro­ces­sed to publish a com­ment or opi­nion on the websi­te. The basis for the pro­ces­sing is your con­sent (Artic­le 6 (1) (a), and it results in publi­shing your com­ment or opi­nion. You can with­draw your con­sent, at any time, by requ­esting the remo­val of the com­ment or opinion.

Your com­ment or opi­nion will be ava­ila­ble on the site as long as it is ava­ila­ble on the Inter­net unless you requ­est remo­val of the com­ment or opi­nion first. You can also modi­fy the con­tent of the com­ment at any time, as well as modi­fy your data.

Cor­re­spon­den­ce service
If you con­tact us, you auto­ma­ti­cal­ly pro­vi­de your data con­ta­ined in the cor­re­spon­den­ce, in par­ti­cu­lar the ema­il address and name. Pro­vi­ding data is volun­ta­ry, but neces­sa­ry to contact.

In this case, we pro­cess the data to con­tact you. The basis for pro­ces­sing is our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest based on artic­le 6, clau­se 1, let­ter f, GDPR. The legal basis for pro­ces­sing data after con­tac­ting you is also our justi­fied pur­po­se of archi­ving cor­re­spon­den­ce to ensu­re that we can pro­ve cer­ta­in facts in the futu­re (Artic­le 6, para­graph 1, let­ter f, GDPR).

We might archi­ve the con­tent of cor­re­spon­den­ce, and we can­not deter­mi­ne when we will dele­te it. You have the right to requ­est the histo­ry of cor­re­spon­den­ce if it was archi­ved, as well as to requ­est its remo­val unless it is justi­fied, due to our impe­ra­ti­ve inte­re­sts, like defen­ce aga­inst poten­tial cla­ims on your part.

Tax and acco­un­ting obligations
If we issue an invo­ice for you, it rema­ins in our acco­un­ting records kept for the time requ­ired by law. In this situ­ation, we pro­cess your data, to ful­fill our tax and acco­un­ting obli­ga­tions (Artic­le 6 (1) © of the GDPR con­cer­ning the pro­vi­sions gover­ning tax and acco­un­ting obligations).

Archi­ve – details
As part of the descrip­tion of the indi­vi­du­al pur­po­ses for the pro­ces­sing of data abo­ve, we have indi­ca­ted the dates of the sto­ra­ge of data. The­se terms are often asso­cia­ted with the archi­ving of cer­ta­in data by us, to ensu­re that we can pro­ve spe­ci­fic facts in the futu­re, and recre­ate the cour­se of coope­ra­tion with the client, exchan­ged cor­re­spon­den­ce, defen­ce, agre­ements, or cla­ims. We rely on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest refer­red to artic­le 6, clau­se 1, let­ter f, GDPR.

Our mar­ke­ting strategy
As part of our site, we use the mecha­nism to reco­ver aban­do­ned carts. In a situ­ation whe­re you start the orde­ring pro­cess, but you do not com­ple­te it, our sys­tem will record this fact to take action, to enco­ura­ge you to fina­li­ze the order.
We might send you an e‑mail to enco­ura­ge you to fina­li­ze the order. We might display a tar­ge­ted adver­ti­se­ment whi­le you brow­se the Internet.

Our site can also col­lect infor­ma­tion abo­ut your acti­vi­ty, and on this basis, display tar­ge­ted adver­ti­sing whi­le you brow­se the Inter­net. Howe­ver, if you are not a regi­ste­red user, the infor­ma­tion used for this pur­po­se is not per­so­nal data. Tho­se pie­ces of infor­ma­tion put toge­ther with your data from the use­r’s acco­unt, beco­me per­so­nal data. We imple­ment the abo­ve acti­vi­ties. This imple­men­ta­tion refers to indi­vi­du­al mar­ke­ting stra­te­gy, artic­le 6, clau­se 1, let­ter f, GDPR.

Ana­ly­sis, sta­ti­stics, optimization
We col­lect sta­ti­sti­cal infor­ma­tion on use­r’s beha­vio­ur like brow­sing our websi­tes, such as fol­lo­wing on links, the trans­i­tion betwe­en sub­pa­ges, time spent on indi­vi­du­al pages, etc. We ana­ly­ze this infor­ma­tion to opti­mi­ze our pages in terms of user expe­rien­ce, effi­cien­cy, and conver­sion. In most cases, the infor­ma­tion pro­ces­sed in this way is not per­so­nal. The excep­tion is when you are a regi­ste­red user. Then we can com­pa­re this infor­ma­tion with your other data col­lec­ted in the use­r’s account.

We imple­ment the acti­vi­ties descri­bed abo­ve based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest refer­red to the opti­mi­za­tion of our websi­tes, artic­le 6, clau­se 1, let­ter f, GDPR.

# 7: How long will we keep your data?
Data sto­ra­ge periods have been indi­ca­ted sepa­ra­te­ly for each pro­ces­sing pur­po­se. You will find this infor­ma­tion as part of the deta­ils dedi­ca­ted to each sepa­ra­te pro­ces­sing purpose.

# 8: Who are the reci­pients of your data?
We will risk the sta­te­ment that modern busi­ness can­not run witho­ut the servi­ces pro­vi­ded by third par­ties. We also use such servi­ces. Some of the­se servi­ces invo­lve the pro­ces­sing of your data. Exter­nal servi­ce pro­vi­ders who par­ti­ci­pa­te in the pro­ces­sing of your data are:

If it is neces­sa­ry, we might disc­lo­se your data to enti­ties, or insti­tu­tions autho­ri­zed to gain access to data based on legal rules, such as poli­ce, secu­ri­ty servi­ces, courts, prosecutors.

Besi­des, we use tools that col­lect a lot of infor­ma­tion abo­ut how you use our site. In par­ti­cu­lar, the fol­lo­wing information:

In our opi­nion, this data is not per­so­nal in the natu­re of things becau­se the exter­nal tools that we use col­lect it. Tool pro­vi­ders also pro­cess the data. It is a legi­ti­ma­te action based on the­ir regu­la­tions and pri­va­cy poli­cies. We use the data to pro­vi­de and impro­ve servi­ces, mana­ge them, deve­lop new servi­ces, measu­re the effec­ti­ve­ness of the adver­ti­se­ment, pro­tect aga­inst fraud and abu­se. Besi­des, we per­so­na­li­ze the con­tent and adver­ti­se­ment display­ed on servi­ces, sites, and appli­ca­tions. We have tried to descri­be the deta­ils of indi­vi­du­al tools in this sec­tion of our policy.

# 9: Do we trans­fer your data to third coun­tries or inter­na­tio­nal organizations?
Yes, part of the pro­ces­sing of your data may invo­lve the­ir trans­fer to third coun­tries. We trans­fer your data to third coun­tries con­cer­ning the use of tools that sto­re per­so­nal data on servers loca­ted in third coun­tries, in par­ti­cu­lar in the USA. The sup­pliers of the­se tools guaran­tee an ade­qu­ate level of per­so­nal data pro­tec­tion thro­ugh appro­pria­te com­plian­ce mecha­ni­sms pro­vi­ded by the GDPR, in par­ti­cu­lar by joining the Pri­va­cy Shield pro­gram or using stan­dard con­trac­tu­al clau­ses. Per­so­nal data sto­red on servers loca­ted in third coun­tries as part of the fol­lo­wing tool:

Google Ire­land Limi­ted pro­vi­des an ade­qu­ate level of pro­tec­tion of per­so­nal data thro­ugh the use of com­plian­ce mecha­ni­sms pro­vi­ded by the GDPR, in par­ti­cu­lar by joining the Pri­va­cy Shield pro­gram. Below, the­re is link to con­fir­ma­tion of par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the Pri­va­cy Shield pro­gram, whe­re you can read infor­ma­tion abo­ut the pro­ces­sing of per­so­nal data by this entity.

We also remind you here that we use exter­nal tools that may col­lect ano­ny­mo­us infor­ma­tion abo­ut you. We have alre­ady men­tio­ned this seve­ral times as part of this poli­cy, inc­lu­ding the answer to the pre­vio­us question. Sup­pliers of the­se tools often use servers loca­ted thro­ugho­ut the world to sto­re infor­ma­tion, in par­ti­cu­lar in the Uni­ted Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca (USA).

# 10: Do we use profiling?
Do we make deci­sions based on your data? We do not make deci­sions based on pro­ces­sing, inc­lu­ding pro­fi­ling, that would have legal effects on you or signi­fi­can­tly affect you. Yes, we use tools that can take spe­ci­fic actions depen­ding on the infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted as part of the trac­king mecha­ni­sms, but we belie­ve that the­se actions do not have a signi­fi­cant impact on you. They do not dif­fe­ren­tia­te your situ­ation as a custo­mer. They do not affect the terms of the con­tract that you can conc­lu­de with us, etc. We can direct to you per­so­na­li­zed ads based on pre­vio­us actions taken by you on our websi­te or sug­gest pro­ducts that may inte­rest you. We mean here beha­vio­ural adver­ti­sing. We enco­ura­ge you to deepen your know­led­ge of beha­vio­ural adver­ti­sing, in par­ti­cu­lar regar­ding pri­va­cy issu­es. Deta­iled infor­ma­tion, toge­ther with the abi­li­ty to mana­ge set­tings for beha­vio­ural adver­ti­sing, can be found here: We empha­si­ze that we do not have access to infor­ma­tion that would allow your iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. This data is:

We do not com­bi­ne the infor­ma­tion indi­ca­ted abo­ve with your data sto­red in our data­ba­ses. This infor­ma­tion is ano­ny­mo­us and does not allow us to iden­ti­fy you. We sto­re this data on the servers of the sup­pliers of indi­vi­du­al tools. The­se servers can be loca­ted all over the world. An excep­tion to the ano­ny­mo­us natu­re of the infor­ma­tion is when you have a user acco­unt. Then this infor­ma­tion can be com­bi­ned with your data col­lec­ted in the use­r’s acco­unt. Howe­ver, we still do not make deci­sions based on this data sole­ly on auto­ma­ted pro­ces­sing, inc­lu­ding pro­fi­ling, that would have legal effects on you or simi­lar­ly signi­fi­can­tly affect you. We belie­ve that actions in the area of ​​tar­ge­ting ads to you depen­ding on your acti­vi­ty on our websi­te and taking opti­mi­za­tion actions do not signi­fi­can­tly affect you. The­re­fo­re, we rely on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest refer­red to artic­le 6, clau­se 1, let­ter f, GDPR.

# 11: What rights do you have regar­ding the pro­ces­sing of your data?
The GDPR grants you the fol­lo­wing poten­tial rights, rela­ted to the pro­ces­sing of your data:

You can find the descrip­tion of tho­se rules in deta­il in artic­le 16 – 21 GDPR. We enco­ura­ge you to read the­se regu­la­tions. We con­si­der it neces­sa­ry to expla­in to you that tho­se rights are not abso­lu­te, and you are not enti­tled to all the pro­ces­sing of your data.

We empha­si­ze that you always have one of the rights indi­ca­ted abo­ve. If you belie­ve that during the pro­ces­sing of your data, we have vio­la­ted the pro­vi­sions on the pro­tec­tion of per­so­nal data, you have the oppor­tu­ni­ty to com­pla­in to the super­vi­so­ry body (the Pre­si­dent of the Offi­ce for Per­so­nal Data Protection).

You can always ask us to pro­vi­de infor­ma­tion abo­ut data we sto­re abo­ut you and for what pur­po­ses we pro­cess it. Just send a mes­sa­ge to the address  Howe­ver, we have made eve­ry effort to ensu­re that we pre­sent this infor­ma­tion com­pre­hen­si­ve­ly in this pri­va­cy poli­cy. You can also use the e‑mail address [email protected] pro­vi­ded abo­ve if you have any questions rela­ted to the pro­ces­sing of your data.

# 12: Do we use cookies, and what are they?
Our websi­te, like almost all other websi­tes, uses cookies. Cookies are small text infor­ma­tion sto­red on your end devi­ces, like a com­pu­ter, tablet, or smart­pho­ne. They sho­uld be ava­ila­ble to our ICT sys­tem (own cookies), or ICT sys­tems of third par­ties (third-par­ty cookies). Spe­ci­fic infor­ma­tion may be saved and sto­red in cookie files. Then, it can be acces­sed by ICT sys­tems for spe­ci­fic pur­po­ses. At the end of the web brow­ser ses­sion, we dele­te some of the cookies. Other cookies sto­red on your end devi­ce allow us to reco­gni­ze your brow­ser when you visit the site (per­si­stent cookies) next time. If you want to learn more abo­ut cookies, you can find it here:

# 13: On what basis do we use cookies?
We use cookies based on your con­sent, except when cookies are neces­sa­ry for the pro­per pro­vi­sion of servi­ces by elec­tro­nic means. Cookies that are not neces­sa­ry for the pro­per pro­vi­sion of the elec­tri­cal servi­ce rema­in bloc­ked until you agree to our use of cookies. During your first visit to our websi­te, we display a mes­sa­ge asking you for your con­sent, toge­ther with the option of mana­ging cookies, like deci­ding which cookies you agree to, and which you want to block.

In terms of your con­sent to cookies, we accept that you con­sent by set­ting your web brow­ser, or addi­tio­nal softwa­re sup­por­ting the mana­ge­ment of cookies. We assu­me that you agree to all cookies we use that are not bloc­ked by your brow­ser, or addi­tio­nal softwa­re that you use.

Remem­ber that disa­bling or limi­ting the use of cookies may pre­vent you from using some of the func­tions ava­ila­ble on our websi­te, and cau­se dif­fi­cul­ties in using our websi­te, as well as from many other websi­tes that use cookies. If you block cookies from social networ­king plu­gins, but­tons, wid­gets, and social featu­res imple­men­ted on our websi­te, some of the func­tions may not be ava­ila­ble for you.

# 14: Can you disa­ble cookies?
Yes, you can mana­ge cookie set­tings within your web brow­ser. You can block all or selec­ted cookies. You can also block cookies from spe­ci­fic websi­tes. You can also dele­te pre­vio­usly saved cookies, and other websi­te and plug-in data.

Web brow­sers offer the option of inco­gni­to mode. You can use it if you do not want to save visi­ted pages and down­lo­aded files in your brow­sing and histo­ry. Cookies in inco­gni­to mode get dele­ted when you clo­se all windows.

Brow­ser plu­gins, like Gho­ste­ry (, are also ava­ila­ble to con­trol cookies.

The option of con­trol over cookie files can be pro­vi­ded by addi­tio­nal softwa­re, in par­ti­cu­lar anti-virus pac­ka­ges, etc.

Besi­des tools are ava­ila­ble on the Inter­net to con­trol cer­ta­in types of cookies, and to col­lec­ti­ve­ly mana­ge beha­vio­ural adver­ti­sing set­tings

# 15: For what pur­po­ses do we use our cookies?
We use our own cookies to ensu­re the pro­per func­tio­ning of indi­vi­du­al websi­te mecha­ni­sms, such as main­ta­ining ses­sions after log­ging into the acco­unt, remem­be­ring recen­tly vie­wed pro­ducts, and tho­se added to the basket. Own cookies also sto­re infor­ma­tion abo­ut the cookie set­tings defi­ned by you in the cookie mana­ge­ment mecha­nism. Own cookies also sup­port the mecha­nism of reco­ve­ry of aban­do­ned baskets.

# 16: What cookies are available?
As part of our func­tio­nal website

Google Ana­ly­tics

We use the Google Ana­ly­tics tool pro­vi­ded by Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­the­ater Par­kway, Moun­ta­in View, CA 94043, USA. We imple­ment acti­vi­ties in this area, based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest, con­si­sting of the pro­duc­tion of sta­ti­stics and the­ir ana­ly­sis to opti­mi­ze our websi­te. To use Google Ana­ly­tics, we have imple­men­ted a spe­cial Google Ana­ly­tics trac­king code in the code of our websi­te. The trac­king code uses Google LLC cookies for the Google Ana­ly­tics servi­ce. You can block Google Ana­ly­tics trac­king code at any time by instal­ling the brow­ser add-on pro­vi­ded by Google: Google Ana­ly­tics auto­ma­ti­cal­ly col­lects infor­ma­tion abo­ut your use of our site. The infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted in this way is most often trans­mit­ted to Google servers and can be loca­ted all over the world and sto­red there.

We acti­va­ted the IP ano­ny­mi­za­tion, and your IP address gets shor­te­ned befo­re for­war­ding. Only in excep­tio­nal cases, we trans­mit the full IP address to Google servers, and it gets shor­te­ned the­re. The ano­ny­mi­zed IP address pro­vi­ded by your brow­ser as part of Google Ana­ly­tics is gene­ral­ly not com­bi­ned with other Google data.

We empha­si­ze that as part of Google Ana­ly­tics, we do not col­lect any data that would allow your iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. The­re­fo­re, the data col­lec­ted as part of Google Ana­ly­tics are not per­so­nal data for us. The infor­ma­tion we have access to as part of Google Ana­ly­tics is, in particular:

Besi­des, we use the fol­lo­wing Adver­ti­sing Func­tions as part of Google Analytics:

As part of Adver­ti­sing Featu­res, we do not col­lect per­so­nal data. The infor­ma­tion we have access to:

Google Ana­ly­tics and Google Ana­ly­tics 360 servi­ces have been cer­ti­fied by the inde­pen­dent secu­ri­ty stan­dard ISO 27001. ISO 27001 is one of the most reco­gni­zed stan­dards in the world and cer­ti­fies that the sys­tems sup­por­ting Google Ana­ly­tics and Google Ana­ly­tics 360 meet the rele­vant requ­ire­ments. If you are inte­re­sted in deta­ils rela­ted to Google­’s use of data from websi­tes and appli­ca­tions that use Google servi­ces, we enco­ura­ge you to read this infor­ma­tion:

Google Tag Manager 

We use the Google Tag Mana­ger tool pro­vi­ded by Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­the­ater Par­kway, Moun­ta­in View, CA 94043, USA. Google Tag Mana­ger ena­bles tags mana­ge­ment, like small pie­ces of code, thanks to which we can con­trol user traf­fic and beha­vio­ur, col­lect infor­ma­tion on ad per­for­man­ce, and take action to impro­ve our site. Google Tag Mana­ger does not col­lect any infor­ma­tion that per­so­nal­ly iden­ti­fies you. Howe­ver, this tool trig­gers other tags, which in turn may col­lect data.

Google AdWords

We use the remar­ke­ting func­tions ava­ila­ble as part of the Google AdWords sys­tem ope­ra­ted by Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­the­ater Par­kway, Moun­ta­in View, CA 94043, USA. We imple­ment acti­vi­ties in this area based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest. Tho­se acti­vi­ties con­sist of mar­ke­ting our pro­ducts or services.

Google cookie remar­ke­ting file is auto­ma­ti­cal­ly left on your devi­ce when you visit our websi­te. Google cookie col­lects infor­ma­tion abo­ut your acti­vi­ty on our websi­te. Tho­se pie­ces of infor­ma­tion allow us to adver­ti­se within the Google network, depen­ding on your beha­vio­ur on our site. For exam­ple, if you display a pro­duct, infor­ma­tion abo­ut it is recor­ded by a cookie remar­ke­ting file. It means that we can direct an adver­ti­se­ment for this pro­duct or any other that we con­si­der appro­pria­te. This adver­ti­se­ment will be display­ed to you within the Google network whi­le you use the Inter­net, brow­sing other websi­tes, etc.

We empha­si­ze that, when we use Google Ads,  we do not col­lect any data that would allow your iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. The possi­ble com­pi­la­tion of data acqu­ires the cha­rac­ter of per­so­nal data. We are no lon­ger respon­si­ble for it becau­se Google per­forms the­se acti­vi­ties based on a con­tract conc­lu­ded with you as a user of Google services.

We can only defi­ne the tar­get gro­ups for our ads when we use Google AdWords. Google deci­des when and how to pre­sent our adver­ti­se­ment to you.

Fur­ther pro­ces­sing of infor­ma­tion only takes pla­ce if you have con­sen­ted to Google to com­bi­ne your brow­sing histo­ry with your acco­unt and to use infor­ma­tion from your Google acco­unt to per­so­na­li­ze ads display­ed on websi­tes. In this case, Google will use your data to cre­ate and defi­ne tar­get gro­up lists for remar­ke­ting on dif­fe­rent devi­ces. Google tem­po­ra­ri­ly com­bi­nes the infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted with other data to cre­ate tar­get groups.

If you don’t want to rece­ive per­so­na­li­zed ads, you can mana­ge your ad set­tings direc­tly on Google:

If you are inte­re­sted in deta­ils rela­ted to Google­’s use of data from websi­tes and appli­ca­tions that use Google servi­ces, we enco­ura­ge you to read this infor­ma­tion:

Google AdSen­se

We display ads on our pages as part of the Google AdSen­se network ope­ra­ted by Google LLC, 1600 Amphi­the­ater Par­kway, Moun­ta­in View, CA 94043, USA. We imple­ment acti­vi­ties in this area based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest, con­si­sting of mone­ti­zing the con­tent we publish.

Our site con­ta­ins ad tags that instruct your web brow­ser to send a requ­est for adver­ti­sing con­tent from Google­’s servers. Along with the adver­ti­sing con­tent, the server also sends a cookie. Cookies display ads based on your pre­vio­us visits to our websi­te or other websi­tes. AdSen­se also uses cookies to impro­ve the quali­ty of ads. Often appli­ca­tions inc­lu­de tar­get ads based on topics that inte­rest you, impro­ve cam­pa­ign per­for­man­ce reports, and skip the ads you’ve alre­ady seen.

We empha­si­ze that when we use Google AdSen­se, we do not col­lect any data that would allow your iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. The possi­ble com­pi­la­tion of data acqu­ires the cha­rac­ter of per­so­nal data. We are no lon­ger respon­si­ble for this becau­se Google per­forms the­se acti­vi­ties based on a con­tract conc­lu­ded with you as a user of Google services.

Fur­ther pro­ces­sing of infor­ma­tion only takes pla­ce if you have con­sen­ted to Google to com­bi­ne your brow­sing histo­ry with your acco­unt and to use infor­ma­tion from your Google acco­unt to per­so­na­li­ze ads display­ed on websi­tes. In this case, Google will use your data to cre­ate and defi­ne tar­get gro­up lists for remar­ke­ting on dif­fe­rent devi­ces. Google tem­po­ra­ri­ly com­bi­nes the infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted with other data to cre­ate tar­get groups.

If you don’t want to rece­ive per­so­na­li­zed ads, you can mana­ge your ad set­tings direc­tly on Google:

If you are inte­re­sted in deta­ils rela­ted to Google­’s use of data from websi­tes and appli­ca­tions that use Google servi­ces, we enco­ura­ge you to read this infor­ma­tion:

Face­bo­ok Custom Audiences

As part of the Face­bo­ok Ads sys­tem pro­vi­ded by Face­bo­ok Inc., 1601 S. Cali­for­nia Ave., Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA, we use the func­tion of Custom Audien­ce Gro­ups to tar­get spe­ci­fic gro­ups of users of tar­ge­ted adver­ti­sing mes­sa­ges. We imple­ment acti­vi­ties in this area based on our legi­ti­ma­te inte­rest, which con­si­sts of mar­ke­ting our pro­ducts or services.

To tar­get per­so­na­li­zed ads in terms of your beha­vio­ur on our site, we have imple­men­ted Face­bo­ok Pixel as part of our site. It auto­ma­ti­cal­ly col­lects infor­ma­tion abo­ut your use of our site. Face­bo­ok servers rece­ive this infor­ma­tion. Tho­se servers may be loca­ted all over the world, in par­ti­cu­lar in the Uni­ted Sta­tes of Ame­ri­ca (USA).

The infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted as part of Face­bo­ok Pixel is ano­ny­mo­us. It does not allow us to iden­ti­fy you. Depen­ding on your acti­vi­ty on our pages, you can reach a spe­ci­fic gro­up of reci­pients, but we do not iden­ti­fy indi­vi­du­al people belon­ging to the­se groups.

Howe­ver, we would like to inform you that Face­bo­ok may com­bi­ne the infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted with other infor­ma­tion abo­ut you col­lec­ted as part of your use of Face­bo­ok. Face­bo­ok can use it for its pur­po­ses, inc­lu­ding mar­ke­ting. Such Face­bo­ok actions are no lon­ger depen­dent on us, and you can search for infor­ma­tion direc­tly in Face­bo­ok’s pri­va­cy poli­cy: You can also mana­ge your pri­va­cy set­tings from your Face­bo­ok acco­unt. Here you will find use­ful infor­ma­tion:

Social tools

Our websi­te uses plu­gins, but­tons, and other social network plu­gins. They are ava­ila­ble at social networ­king sites, such as Face­bo­ok, Insta­gram, Lin­ke­din, Twit­ter, Pinterest.

If you display our websi­te with a plug-in for social network websi­tes, your brow­ser sends infor­ma­tion abo­ut your visits to the admi­ni­stra­tor of tho­se social websi­tes. The plug-in is a frag­ment of a social network site built into our site. The brow­ser sends infor­ma­tion abo­ut the requ­est to down­lo­ad the con­tent of the social networ­king site onto our site.

The plu­gins col­lect cer­ta­in infor­ma­tion abo­ut you, such as your user ID, websi­te visi­ted, date and time, and other infor­ma­tion abo­ut your web browser.

Social network admi­ni­stra­tors use some of this infor­ma­tion to per­so­na­li­ze the vie­wing con­di­tions on our site. For exam­ple, when you visit a page with a „Like” but­ton, the admi­ni­stra­tor of the social network needs infor­ma­tion abo­ut who you are to show you which of your friends also like our site.

Plu­gins col­lect pie­ces of infor­ma­tion.  Social network admi­ni­stra­tors can use them for pur­po­ses, such as impro­ving the­ir pro­ducts, cre­ating user pro­fi­les, ana­ly­zing and opti­mi­zing the­ir acti­vi­ties, tar­ge­ting ads. We have no real impact on how social network admi­ni­stra­tors use the­se pie­ces of infor­ma­tion. You can search for deta­ils in the regu­la­tions and pri­va­cy poli­cies of indi­vi­du­al social networ­king sites.

Social network plu­gins col­lect and trans­fer infor­ma­tion to the admi­ni­stra­tors of the­se websi­tes even when you brow­se our site witho­ut being log­ged into your acco­unt on the social network. Then the brow­ser sends a more limi­ted set of information.

If you have log­ged into one of the social networ­king sites, then the websi­te admi­ni­stra­tor will be able to direc­tly assign a visit to our websi­te to your pro­fi­le on the given social networ­king site.

If you do not want social networ­king sites to match the data col­lec­ted during your visits to our websi­te direc­tly to your pro­fi­le on a given websi­te, you must log out of this websi­te befo­re visi­ting our websi­te. You can also com­ple­te­ly pre­vent the plu­gins from loading on the page by using the appro­pria­te exten­sions for your brow­ser, like script blocking.

To find out more abo­ut the pro­ces­sing of infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted by the admi­ni­stra­tors of social networ­king sites, such as the sco­pe of data col­lec­tion, data pro­ces­sing, your rights, set­tings pro­tec­ting your pri­va­cy, you will find eve­ry­thing in the pri­va­cy poli­cies of indi­vi­du­al servi­ce providers:


Our wid­gets embed­ded with YouTu­be wid­gets allow you to play recor­dings ava­ila­ble on YouTu­be direc­tly from our pages. Google LLC ope­ra­tes YouTube.

The vide­os are in the pri­va­cy pro­tec­tion mode on the website.Google does not col­lect any infor­ma­tion abo­ut you and does not save any cookies on your devi­ce until you play the recor­ding. This is infor­ma­tion pro­vi­ded by YouTube.

If you play a recor­ding, YouTu­be sto­res cookies on your devi­ce, and rece­ives infor­ma­tion abo­ut the sour­ce of the recor­ding, even if you do not have a Google acco­unt, or you are not log­ged into the acco­unt. If you are, the servi­ce pro­vi­der can direc­tly assign a visit to our websi­te to your acco­unt. In the Google pri­va­cy poli­cy, you can find a description:

The infor­ma­tion col­lec­ted as part of cookies rela­ted to YouTu­be vide­os embed­ded on our pages is used by Google to ensu­re the cor­rect and safe func­tio­ning of the wid­get, ana­ly­sis, and opti­mi­za­tion in the field of servi­ces pro­vi­ded by YouTu­be, as well as for per­so­na­li­za­tion and advertising.

Remem­ber that by play­ing recor­dings ava­ila­ble on YouTu­be, you use the servi­ces pro­vi­ded elec­tro­ni­cal­ly by Google LLC. Google LLC is an inde­pen­dent enti­ty inde­pen­dent of us pro­vi­ding elec­tro­nic servi­ces to you. Deta­ils of YouTube’s terms of use, inc­lu­ding pri­va­cy, can be found in docu­ments sha­red direc­tly by YouTube:

# 17: Do we track your beha­vio­ur on our site?
Yes, we use Google Ana­ly­tics, Google AdWords, Hotjar, and Face­bo­ok Custom Audien­ces tools, which col­lect infor­ma­tion abo­ut your acti­vi­ties on our site. The­se tools are descri­bed in deta­il as part of the question abo­ut third par­ty cookies, so we will not repe­at this infor­ma­tion here.


# 18: Do we tar­get you with tar­ge­ted ads?
Yes, we use Face­bo­ok Ads and Google Ads. The­re­fo­re, we can tar­get ads for spe­ci­fic tar­get gro­ups based on vario­us cri­te­ria, such as age, gen­der, inte­re­sts, pro­fes­sion, work, acti­vi­ties pre­vio­usly under­ta­ken on our site.

You can find the descrip­tion of the­se tools in deta­il as part of the question abo­ut third par­ty cookies, so we will not repe­at this infor­ma­tion here.

# 19: How can you mana­ge your privacy?
The answer to this question you can find in many pla­ces of this pri­va­cy poli­cy like in part abo­ut indi­vi­du­al tools, beha­vio­ural adver­ti­sing, cookies con­sent, etc. Howe­ver, for your conve­nien­ce, we have col­lec­ted this infor­ma­tion aga­in in one pla­ce. Below, you can find a list of options for mana­ging your privacy:

# 20: What are server logs?
Websi­te use invo­lves sen­ding queries to the server that sto­res the websi­te­’s con­tent. The serve­r’s logs save each query. Logs inc­lu­de Your IP address, server date and time, infor­ma­tion abo­ut the web brow­ser, and your ope­ra­ting sys­tem. The server saves and sto­res logs. The saved data is not asso­cia­ted with spe­ci­fic users of the site, and we do not use it to iden­ti­fy you. Server logs are only auxi­lia­ry mate­rials to admi­ni­ster the site, and no one has access to its con­tent, except for per­sons autho­ri­zed to admi­ni­ster the server.

# 21: Do you want to find out more?
Data pro­ces­sing, the use of cookies, and the mana­ge­ment of pri­va­cy is a
com­plex pro­blem. We ensu­red that this docu­ment pro­vi­des the bro­adest possi­ble know­led­ge abo­ut mat­ters impor­tant to you. If any­thing is unc­le­ar, you want to learn more, or just to talk abo­ut your pri­va­cy, con­tact us at [email protected].
















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