Check how to cle­an apart­ments during epidemic. 

Check how to cle­an apart­ments during epidemic.

Apartment cleaning on autopilot  in less time  without stress  without errors 

Lula.Cleaning helps pro­per­ty mana­gers, owners and cle­aning com­pa­nies to stre­am­li­ne daily tasks across apart­ments, offi­ces, sta­ir­ca­ses, and more. Whe­ther you mana­ge short-term ren­tals, cor­po­ra­te spa­ces, or other pro­per­ties, Lula saves you time and ensu­res top-quali­ty servi­ce, keeping your team up-to-date. Works per­fec­tly for mana­ging your own pro­per­ties or wor­king with exter­nal sys­tems, seam­les­sly inte­gra­ting with booking plat­forms for con­stant updates.


Lula supports management of properties on your own and integrates with Airbnb,, channel managers and PMS such as:

Upcoming integrations

Mis­sing a sys­tem you are using? Sug­gest an integration! 

Are you tired of

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 23

Check how to clean apartments during the epidemic

Discover Lula.Cleaning App Features


Constant calendars sync

Calen­dars from vario­us booking sys­tems (among others: Airbnb, Booking, Ido­Bo­oking, Hotres, Your Por­ter App) are being read auto­ma­ti­cal­ly and regularly. 


1‑click task assignments

It is easy to assign a task to an employ­ee and to sche­du­le the­ir cle­aning time. 


Day-by-day view

All rese­rva­tions are shown in a conve­nient, day-by-day view – from vario­us pro­per­ties and plat­forms (check-in, check-out, stays).


Separate views

Hosts, pro­per­ty mana­gers, cle­aning com­pa­nies and employ­ees – they all have spe­cial views for themselves.


Special view for the housekeeping team

Employ­ees always see cur­rent tasks in the order of cle­aning; they con­firm job com­ple­tion by clic­king on a button.


Multi-language interface

The app is alre­ady ava­ila­ble in dif­fe­rent lan­gu­ages like English, Spa­nish, French, Polish, Ukra­inian, Rus­sian, Ita­lian, Por­tu­gu­ese and German


Desktop and mobile friendly

The latest ver­sion always works in the brow­ser, no instal­la­tion requ­ired. On a com­pu­ter, a tablet or a smartphone.

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 24

Extra information

Depar­tu­re and arri­val times and num­ber of guests can be set within the app.

Zasób 14

Reports on completed jobs

Cle­aning reports to sum­ma­ri­ze cle­aned apart­ments are ava­ila­ble for hosts, as well as com­ple­ted jobs by the employees.


Google Maps integration

Loca­tion of the apart­ment is shown on Google Maps with its access data.


It’s not a marketplace

You won’t be able to hire a cle­aning per­son with Lula.Cleaning. The app sim­pli­fies the orga­ni­za­tion of the apart­ment cle­aning and brings order to this pre­vio­usly cha­otic pro­cess. It saves time for you and your who­le team.

Let’s see what Lula.Cleaning can do for you!

The appli­ca­tion sim­pli­fies the orga­ni­za­tion of cle­aning the apart­ments and brings order to this pre­vio­usly cha­otic pro­cess. It saves time for you and your who­le team.

Who is it for?

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 25

For individual hosts
(2 – 10 apartments)

You run a short-term ren­tal and do most of the work your­self. You have one per­son to cle­an up. 

With Lula.Cleaning you will lite­ral­ly for­get abo­ut orde­ring your cle­aning. All check outs will be auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assi­gned to your cle­aner. Of cour­se, if you work with more employ­ees, you can assign tasks to them yourself.

Is some­one coming to your lan­dlor­d’s house or have you accep­ted a rese­rva­tion out­si­de of Booking or Airbnb? No pro­blem – with Lula.Cleaning you can defi­ne your own reservation. 

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 26

For property managers (rentalpreneurs)
(10+ apartments)

You serve more apart­ments, you have your own cle­aning team or you out­so­ur­ce the cle­aning (even to seve­ral dif­fe­rent entities). 

Not eve­ry­thing has to be on your mind. With Lula.Cleaning you will set up a coor­di­na­tor to take care of the work. Does the guest have spe­cial requ­ire­ments? Leave a note for the cle­aning crew to read.

The cle­aning com­pa­ny will take care of the cle­aning, and your acti­vi­ty will be limi­ted to reading the noti­ce that the apart­ment is ready for your guests» arrival. 

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 27

For cleaning services

You run a day­ti­me cle­aning com­pa­ny ope­ra­ting in apart­ments, offi­ces, sta­ir­ca­ses and others. You hire cle­aners and coope­ra­te with many hosts.

Do your clients use dif­fe­rent chan­nel mana­gers? Do you spend eve­nings looking at calen­dars in many dif­fe­rent sys­tems? Do you pre­pa­re cle­aning sche­du­les in Excel, or do you copy all the data to Google calen­dar? Do hosts call at 10:00 p.m. and say, “Tomor­row the­re­’s only one more ‘suite’ to clean”? 

At Lula.Cleaning you can see all your check-outs for the next few days (from dif­fe­rent hosts) in one conve­nient view. You can defi­ne any num­ber of employ­ees and assign tasks to them with one click. All in lite­ral­ly 10 minutes. 

Also, with one click you can gene­ra­te a list of com­ple­ted jobs for the pre­vio­us week or month (sepa­ra­te­ly for hosts and employees). 



What our customers say? 

“Calm, rela­xa­tion and more time.”

“Bril­liant solution!”

Experiences with Lula.Cleaning

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 31

Grze­gorz Żurawski

Ren­tal­pre­neur with 10 apartments 

The most impor­tant thing whi­le using Lula.Cleaning is calm, rela­xa­tion and more time. 

I’m always sure that eve­ry­thing is fixed for the next day, becau­se befo­re Lula.Cleaning I was using just a she­et of paper, and I’ve noted the time of check-out of each apart­ment, time of check-in, as well as the num­ber of guests. When I lost this paper, I was panicked. 

It’s very impor­tant to start using it. It’s free of char­ge to test it. So ple­ase use it and try it out. 

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 32


Cle­aning company 

I run a Wyj­dziesz Na Czy­sto cle­aning com­pa­ny in Gdańsk, Poland, which ope­ra­tes dozens of apart­ments for rent for seve­ral pri­va­te and busi­ness clients. We also cle­an pri­va­te apart­ments and offi­ces. My expe­rien­ce has been built up for seve­ral years in direct work for apart­ment mana­ge­ment com­pa­nies. I have gained the neces­sa­ry expe­rien­ce in mana­ging employ­ees and deve­lo­ped my own quali­ty stan­dards, which resul­ted in high ratings on booking por­tals for cle­an apart­ments.

I cur­ren­tly use the Lula.Cleaning app to work with more, espe­cial­ly small, businesses. 

The work of veri­fy­ing SMS or ema­ils from owners took too much time and intro­du­ced cha­os, and the lack of a chan­nel mana­ger for smal­ler enti­ties ruled out mul­ti-level com­mu­ni­ca­tion with the pre­se­rva­tion of its histo­ry. We have seve­ral cle­aners on board, who appre­cia­te access to cur­rent tasks in one pla­ce, at hand.

An impor­tant ele­ment for our clients was the absen­ce of the trans­mis­sion of sen­si­ti­ve data or the amo­unts paid by the guest of the apart­ment to my com­pa­ny, and the easy con­fi­gu­ra­tion as well as sim­ple ope­ra­tion has hel­ped Wyj­dziesz Na Czy­sto to gain fur­ther contracts.

Lula.Cleaning – on behalf of the team and myself – thank you!

Cleaning companies using the application


Get star­ted, adjust the plan later

All plans inc­lu­de unli­mi­ted check-outs and tasks. All pri­ces listed are exc­lu­ding VAT.


All our core featu­res at no cost

pro­per­ties: 2 free properties
houske­eping team mem­bers: 1
mana­gers (your assi­stants): 0
auto­ma­tic rese­rva­tion sync: 4 times a day
all ava­ila­ble integrations
adding custom reservation
desk­top & mobi­le friendly
sup­port for 9 languages
sup­port: community

No cre­dit card required



3€ / apart­ment / month

pro­per­ties: add as many as you need
houske­eping team mem­bers: 2
mana­gers (your assistants):1
auto­ma­tic rese­rva­tion sync: eve­ry 2 hours
all ava­ila­ble integrations
adding custom reservation
desk­top & mobi­le friendly
sup­port for 9 languages
push/mail noto­fi­ca­tion
betwe­en host and team members
two-way mes­sa­gingi
per employ­ee and property
sta­ti­stics on com­ple­ted jobsi
sup­port: com­mu­ni­ty & email

No cre­dit card required



dif­fe­rent pri­ces / apart­ment / month

pro­per­ties: add as many as you need
houske­eping team mem­bers: unlimited
mana­gers (your assi­stants): unlimited
auto­ma­tic rese­rva­tion sync: eve­ry 30 minutes
all ava­ila­ble integrations
adding custom reservation
desk­top & mobi­le friendly
sup­port for 9 languages
push/mail notif­ca­tion
betwe­en host and team members
two-way mes­sa­gingi
per employ­ee and property
sta­ti­stics on com­ple­ted jobsi
rec­cu­ring cleanings
chec­kli­sts for pre­mi­ses and check-outs
sup­port: com­mu­ni­ty & email

No cre­dit card required



dif­fe­rent pri­ces / apart­ment / month

pro­per­ties: add as many as you need
houske­eping team mem­bers: unlimited
mana­gers (your assi­stants): unlimited
auto­ma­tic rese­rva­tion sync: eve­ry 30 minutes
all ava­ila­ble integrations
adding custom reservation
desk­top & mobi­le friendly
sup­port for 9 languages
push/mail noti­fi­ca­tion
betwe­en host and team members
two-way mes­sa­gingi
per employ­ee and property
sta­ti­stics on com­ple­ted jobsi
rec­cu­ring cleanings
dama­ge repa­ir coordination
chec­kli­sts for pre­mi­ses and check-outs
sup­port: ema­il & pho­ne & video call

No cre­dit card required

houske­eping team members
mana­gers (your assistants)
auto­ma­tic rese­rva­tion sync
all ava­ila­ble integrations
adding custom reservation
desk­top & mobi­le friendly
sup­port for 9 languages
push/mail noti­fi­ca­tions
betwe­en host and team members
two-way mes­sa­gingi
per employ­ee and property
sta­ti­stics on com­ple­ted jobsi
auto­ma­tic mes­sa­ge translations
dama­ge repa­ir coordination
chec­kli­sts for pre­mi­ses and check-outs
pho­to galleries


all our core featu­res at no cost

2 free properties
4 times a day


No cre­dit card required

$3 / 3€



add as many as you need
eve­ry 2 hours

com­mu­ni­ty & email

No cre­dit card required

$5 / 5€


add as many as you need
eve­ry 30 minutes

com­mu­ni­ty & email

No cre­dit card required

$6 / 6€



add as many as you need
eve­ry 30 minutes

ema­il & video call

No cre­dit card required

Managing 10+ properties?

Running a cleaning company?

Volu­me disco­unts apply. Let’s discuss your situ­ation to arran­ge a custom plan. 

Learn how Lula.Cleaning can help you simplify  speed up  your processes!


How is reservation data synchronized with booking systems?

The appli­ca­tion reads check-in and check-out dates from calen­dar files in ical for­mat or thro­ugh API inte­gra­tion betwe­en systems. 

How often are the calendars synchronized?

We upda­te data eve­ry 2 hours in the free ver­sion. Calen­dars in paid ver­sions upda­te eve­ry 30 minutes. 

How soon can I start using the application? 

Just add your pro­per­ties and assign calen­dars from the rese­rva­tion sys­tems to them. Rese­rva­tions will appe­ar in Lula.Cleaning imme­dia­te­ly, ready for job scheduling. 

Do I have to install the application at my housekeeping team’s smartphones?

Lula.Cleaning is not a mobi­le appli­ca­tion. Its always cur­rent ver­sion works in the brow­ser. One needs just a short­cut icon on the home scre­en. This is very much appre­cia­ted by both house­ke­eping staff and mana­gers. The­re are no pro­blems with the pho­ne model or lack of memo­ry for new appli­ca­tions. The team mem­bers do not even have to set up an acco­unt in the application. 

Do I need an internet access?

Inter­net is needed whi­le sche­du­ling jobs or to down­lo­ad the task list. If the pho­ne loses ran­ge, tasks are still ava­ila­ble. If needed, they will upda­te when the pho­ne returns to ran­ge. Remem­ber also that the­re is almost always wi-fi con­nec­tion in the apartments. 

Can large property management or cleaning companies use the application? 

Yes, we servi­ce enti­ties with over 100 apart­ments and more than 10 employees. 

I rent my properties seasonally. Do I have to pay a subscription for the system outside of the high season?

The­re is a possi­bi­li­ty of tem­po­ra­ry deac­ti­va­tion of pro­per­ties and then you do not incur costs rela­ted to the use of the application. 

Does it make sense to use the application if you have only a few apartments? 

Defi­ni­te­ly! Tasks are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly assi­gned to the cle­aner and you don’t have to wor­ry abo­ut looking into the calen­dar and cal­ling the cleaner. 

Can I try how the application works? 

Of cour­se – cre­ate a free acco­unt and con­nect two pro­per­ties. If, for some reason, after defi­ning all your faci­li­ties, you find within 30 days that this solu­tion is not for you, we will refund the cost incurred. 

Do I have to operate in short-term rentals to use Lula?

No, Lula is also per­fect for cle­aning com­pa­nies that mana­ge offi­ces, pools, sta­ir­ca­ses, and other kinds of pro­per­ties. Lula stre­am­li­nes daily tasks across a varie­ty of pro­per­ty types, ensu­ring effi­cien­cy and high-quali­ty servi­ce, no mat­ter what kind of spa­ces you maintain.

Who is the main user of the application?

The appli­ca­tion has been cre­ated for com­pa­nies that spe­cia­li­ze in short-term ren­tal and for cle­aning com­pa­nies that servi­ce them.

I accepted the reservation by phone – how will the cleaning staff know it needs to be cleaned?

If you use a PMS, you save the rese­rva­tion right the­re and Lula.Cleaning will read it auto­ma­ti­cal­ly. If you don’t use PMS, you can save your “own rese­rva­tion” in Lula.Cleaning by spe­ci­fy­ing the arri­val and depar­tu­re date. 

Are taxes included in the prices above?

Pri­ces do not inc­lu­de taxes. Accor­ding to your coun­try of residence’s VAT rate on digi­tal pro­ducts and servi­ces, VAT may be added to your invo­ice and the total amo­unt charged. 

I already use a channel manager, which has a built-in housekeeping module. How Lula.Cleaning can help me?

Lula.Cleaning is a spe­cia­li­zed appli­ca­tion focu­sed on coor­di­na­ting the pre­pa­ra­tion of the apart­ment for the arri­val of guests. The solu­tions ava­ila­ble in chan­nel mana­gers are sim­pli­fied and do not offer as many possibilities. 

Lula.Cleaning empha­si­zes the sim­pli­ci­ty of using the appli­ca­tion by non-tech­ni­cal people, does not requ­ire instal­la­tion or regi­stra­tion, and sup­ports mul­ti­ple lan­gu­ages. Apart from the cle­aning pro­cess itself, it faci­li­ta­tes com­mu­ni­ca­tion and allows for repor­ting of damages.

The­re is no answer to your question? Wri­te to us! We’d be hap­py to answer it. 


Lula.Cleaning is a pro­gres­si­ve web appli­ca­tion, PWA, Pro­gres­si­ve Web Appli­ca­tion which means that it com­bi­nes the best featu­res of mobi­le appli­ca­tions and websi­tes. It works on both desk­top com­pu­ters and mobi­le devi­ces. Fol­low the instruc­tions below to install it as an appli­ca­tion on your pho­ne and use the notifications:

Apartment cleaning on autopilot 33

Built with love ❤️ for hospi­ta­li­ty, for short-term ren­tal busi­ness owners aro­und the world that want to auto­ma­te the­ir cle­aning mana­ge­ment pro­cess, save time and eli­mi­na­te errors as well as cre­ate a bet­ter expe­rien­ce for the­ir guests.



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Find out what you can do to make sure the apartment is safe and ready for your next guests!